Thursday, March 28, 2013


Preparing for Your Interview
 we’re looking for talented engineers that can apply the knowledge that they’ve learned in school and in industry to solving some of the world’s most complicated software problems.  As such, our interviews are mainly focused on how well you can use your acquired knowledge to solve real world (or in some cases not so real world) problems.  Below is a list of broad areas that we expect people to be familiar with.  It’s certainly not required that you memorize all of the information outlined below, but this should serve as a helpful reference guide for the types of things you might want to brush up on before interviewing.
Programming Languages
We do not require that you know any specific language before interviewing for a technical position, but familiarity with a prominent object oriented language is generally a prerequisite for success.  Not only should you be familiar with the syntax of a language like C++, Java, or C#, you should also know some of the language nuances such as how memory management works, what some of the most commonly used collections or libraries are, etc.  You should be able to compare languages and talk about the tradeoffs between using language X vs. language Y.
Additionally, it’s considered a plus to be familiar with some scripting language such as perl, ruby, awk, etc.  It’s also nice to know the basics of regular expression as they are now a mainstay in both the object oriented and scripting worlds.
Here is a good site talking about regular expression with examples

Data Structures
Most of the work we do involves storing and providing access to data in efficient ways.  This necessitates a very strong background in standard data structures.  You should know what each of these data structures is and how they’re implemented; what their runtimes are for common operations; and under what circumstances it would be beneficial to use one.  The below are in no particular order.
Here is a good link
Linked List
Tree (Tree, Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, Red-Black Tree, etc.)
Hash Table
Graph (both directed and undirected)
It’s also important to know efficient ways manipulate data.  One great way of doing this is brushing up on some common algorithms.  We’ll expect that you can apply and discuss the tradeoffs between some commonly used algorithms.
Bubble Sort
Merge Sort
Quick Sort
Radix/Bucket Sort
Traversals (On multiple data structures)
                Depth First Search
                Breadth First Search
Expect to be asked to code syntactically correct code – no pseudo code.  If you’re a bit rusty coding without an IDE or coding in a specific language, it’s probably a good idea to dust off the cobwebs and get comfortable coding with pen and paper.  The most important thing a software engineer does is write performant, stable, robust, and well tested code.  These are going to be the main criteria by which your code will be evaluated, so make sure that you check for edge cases and common error inputs as well as the “happy paths” through the code.
Object Oriented Design
Good design is paramount to extensible, bug free, and long living code.  It’s possible to solve a software problem in an almost limitless number of ways, but when software needs to be robust and extensible, it’s important to know some common techniques that help with this.  Using object oriented design best practices is one way to build lasting software.  You should have a working knowledge of a few common and useful design patterns (singleton, factory, adapter, bridge, visitor, command, proxy, observer, etc.) as well as know how to write software in an object oriented way with appropriate use of inheritance and aggregation.
Most of the software that we write is backed by a database somewhere.  A lot of the challenges we face come in to play when interfacing with existing data models and when designing new data models.  You should know the basics of how relational databases work, how to design relational database schemas, as well as how to write basic SQL queries against a database.
Distributed Computing
Our systems usually have to work under very strict tolerances at high load.  While we have some internal tools that help us with scaling it’s important to have an understanding of a few basic distributed computing concepts.  Having an understanding of topics such as map-reduce, service oriented architectures, distributed caching, load balancing, etc. will help you in formulating answers to some of the more complicated distributed architecture questions you might encounter.
Internet Topics
we’re an online company and we expect our engineers to be familiar with, at least, the basics of how the internet works.  You might want to brush up on how internet browsers do what they do, DNS lookups, what TCP/IP and HTTP are, sockets, etc.  We’re not looking for network engineering types of qualifications, but a solid understanding of the fundamentals of how the web works is a requirement.
Operating Systems
You won’t need to know how to build your own operating system, but you should be familiar with some OS topics that can affect code performance, such as memory management, processes, threads, synchronization, paging, multithreading, deadlocks (causes, detection, avoidance).

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

keystore, pem, p12

You can extract a private key from a keystore with Java6 and OpenSSL. This all depends on the fact that both Java and OpenSSL support PKCS#12-formatted keystores. To do the extraction, you first usekeytool to convert to the standard format. Make sure you use the same password for both files (private key password, not the keystore password) or you will get odd failures later on in the second step.
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore.jks \
    -destkeystore intermediate.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12
Next, use OpenSSL to do the extraction to PEM:
openssl pkcs12 -in intermediate.p12 -out extracted.pem -nodes
You should be able to handle that PEM file easily enough; it's plain text with an encoded unencrypted private key and certificate(s) inside it (in a pretty obvious format).

export private key:
keytool.exe -importkeystore -srcstoretype JKS -srckeystore my-release-key.keystore -deststoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore keys.pk12.der
openssl.exe pkcs12 -in keys.pk12.der -nodes -out private.rsa.pem
edit private.rsa.pem and leave "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" to "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----" paragraph, then:
openssl.exe base64 -d -in private.rsa.pem -out private.rsa.der
export public key:
keytool.exe -exportcert -keystore my-release-key.keystore -storepass <KEYSTORE_PASSWORD> -alias alias_name -file public.x509.der
sign apk:
java -jar SignApk.jar public.x509.der private.rsa.der input.apk output.apk

Monday, March 25, 2013

PEM format

PEM Encoding

7.17.1 Problem

You want to represent cryptographic data such as public keys or certificates in a plaintext format, so that you can use it in protocols that don't accept arbitrary binary data. This may include storing an encrypted version of a private key.

7.17.2 Solution

The PEM format represents DER-encoded data in a printable format. Traditionally, PEM encoding simply base64-encodes DER-encoded data and adds a simple header and footer. OpenSSL provides an API for such functionality that handles the DER encoding and header writing for you.
OpenSSL has introduced extensions for using encrypted DER representations, allowing you to use PEM to store encrypted private keys and other cryptographic data in ASCII format.

7.17.3 Discussion

Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) is the original encrypted email standard. Although the standard is long dead, a small subset of its encoding mechanism has managed to survive.
In today's day and age, PEM-encoded data is usually just DER-encoded data with a header and footer. The header is a single line consisting of five dashes followed by the word "BEGIN", followed by anything. The data following the word "BEGIN" is not really standardized. In some cases, there might not be anything following this word. However, if you are using the OpenSSL PEM outputting routines, there is a textual description of the type of data object encoded. For example, OpenSSL produces the following header line for an RSA private key:
This is a good convention, and one that is widely used.
The footer has the same format, except that "BEGIN" is replaced with "END". You should expect that anything could follow. Again, OpenSSL uses a textual description of the content.
In between the two lines is a base64-encoded DER representation, which may contain line breaks (\r\n, often called CRLFs for "carriage return and line feed"), which get ignored. We cover base64 in Recipe 4.5 and Recipe 4.6, and DER encoding in Recipe 7.16.
If you want to encrypt a DER object, the original PEM format supported that as well, but no one uses these extensions today. OpenSSL does implement something similar. First, we'll describe what OpenSSL does, because this will offer compatibility with applications built with OpenSSL that use this format?most notably Apache with mod_ssl. Next, we'll demonstrate how to use OpenSSL's PEM API directly.
We'll explain this format by walking through an example. Here's a PEM-encoded, encrypted RSA private key:
Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
/b6hcuWyzva895YMUCSyDaLgSsIqRWmXxQV1W2bAgRbs8jD8VF+G9w=  =
The first line is as discussed at the beginning of this section. Table 7-4 lists the most useful values for the data type specified in the first and last line. Other values can be found in openssl/pem.h.
Table 7-4. PEM header types
Parameters for Diffie-Hellman key exchange
An X.509 digital certificate
A fully trusted X.509 digital certificate
A PKCS #10 certificate signing request
X509 CRL
An X.509 certificate revocation list
The header line is followed by three lines that look like MIME headers. Do not treat them as MIME headers, though. Yes, the base64-encrypted text is separated from the header information by a line with nothing on it (two CRLFs). However, you should assume that there is no real flexibility in the headers. You should have either the two headers that are there, or nothing (and if you're not including headers, be sure to remove the blank line). In addition, the headers should be in the order shown above, and they should have the same comma-separated fields.
As far as we can determine, the second line must appear exactly as shown above for OpenSSL compatibility. There's some logic in OpenSSL to handle two other options that would add an integrity-checking value to the data being encoded, but it appears that the OpenSSL team never actually finished a full implementation, so these other options aren't used (it's left over from a time when the OpenSSL implementers were concerned about compliance with the original PEM RFCs). The first parameter on the "DEK-Info" line (where DEK stands for "data encrypting key") contains an ASCII representation of the algorithm used for encryption, which should always be a CBC-based mode. Table 7-5 lists the identifiers OpenSSL currently supports.
Table 7-5. PEM encryption algorithms supported by OpenSSL
AES with 128-bit keys
AES with 192-bit keys
AES with 256-bit keys
2-key Triple-DES
3-key Triple-DES
RC5 with 128-bit keys and 12 rounds
The part of the DEK-Info field after the comma is a CBC initialization vector (which should be randomly generated), represented in uppercase hexadecimal.
The way encrypted PEM representations work in OpenSSL is as follows:
  1. The data is DER-encoded.
  2. The data is encrypted using a key that isn't specified anywhere (i.e., it's not placed in the headers, for obvious reasons). Usually, the user must type in a password to derive an encryption key. (See Recipe 4.10.[7]) The key-from-password functionality has the initialization vector double as a salt value, which is probably okay.
    [7] OpenSSL uses PKCS #5 Version 1.5 for key derivation. PKCS #5 is an earlier version of the algorithm described in Recipe 4.10. MD5 is used as the hash algorithm with an iteration count of 1. There are some differences between PKCS #5 Version 1.5 and Version 2.0. If you don't care about OpenSSL compatibility, you should definitely use Version 2.0 (the man pages even recommend it).
  3. The encrypted data is base64-encoded.
The OpenSSL API for PEM encoding and decoding (include openssl/pem.h) only allows you to operate on FILE or OpenSSL BIO objects, which are the generic OpenSSL IO abstraction. If you need to output to memory, you can either use a memory BIO or get the DER representation and encode it by hand.
The BIO API and the FILE API are similar. The BIO API changes the name of each function in a predictable way, and the first argument to each function is a pointer to a BIO object instead of a FILEobject. The object type on which you're operating is always the second argument to a PEM function when outputting PEM. When reading in data, pass in a pointer to a pointer to the encoded object. As with the DER functions described in Recipe 7.16, OpenSSL increments this pointer.
All of the PEM functions are highly regular. All the input functions and all the output functions take the same arguments and have the same signature, except that the second argument changes type based on the type of data object with which you're working. For example, the second argument toPEM_write_RSAPrivateKey( ) will be an RSA object pointer, whereas the second argument toPEM_writeDSAPrivateKey( ) will be a DSA object pointer.
We'll show you the API by demonstrating how to operate on RSA private keys. Then we'll provide a table that gives you the relevant functions for other data types.
Here's the signature for PEM_write_RSAPrivateKey( ):
int PEM_write_RSAPrivateKey(FILE *fp, RSA *obj, EVP_CIPHER *enc,
                           unsigned char *kstr, int klen,
                           pem_password_cb callback, void *cb_arg);
This function has the following arguments:
Pointer to the open file for output.
RSA object that is to be PEM-encoded.
Optional argument that, if not specified as NULL, is the EVP_CIPHER object for the symmetric encryption algorithm (see Recipe 5.17 for a list of possibilities) that will be used to encrypt the data before it is base64-encoded. It is a bad idea to use anything other than a CBC-based cipher.
Buffer containing the key to be used to encrypt the data. If the data is not encrypted, this argument should be specified as NULL. Even if the data is to be encrypted, this buffer may be specified as NULL, in which case the key to use will be derived from a password or passphrase.
If the key buffer is not specified as NULL, this specifies the length of the buffer in bytes. If the key buffer is specified as NULL, this should be specified as 0.
If the data is to be encrypted and the key buffer is specified as NULL, this specifies a pointer to a function that will be called to obtain the password or passphrase used to derive the encryption key. It may be specified as NULL, in which case OpenSSL will query the user for the password or passphrase to use.
If a callback function is specified to obtain the password or passphrase for key derivation, this application-specific value is passed directly to the callback function.
If encryption is desired, OpenSSL will use PKCS #5 Version 1.5 to derive an encryption key from a password. This is an earlier version of the algorithm described in Recipe 4.10.
This function will return 1 if the encoding is successful, 0 otherwise (for example, if the underlying file is not open for writing).
The type pem_password_cb is defined as follows:
typedef int (*pem_password_cb)(char *buf, int len, int rwflag, void *cb_arg);
It has the following arguments:
Buffer into which the password or passphrase is to be written.
Length in bytes of the password or passphrase buffer.
Indicates whether the password is to be used for encryption or decryption. For encryption (when writing out data in PEM format), the argument will be 1; otherwise, it will be 0.
This application-specific value is passed in from the final argument to the PEM encoding or decoding function that caused this callback to be made.
Make sure that you do not overflow buf when writing data into it!
Your callback function is expected to return 1 if it successfully reads a password; otherwise, it should return 0.
The function for writing an RSA private key to a BIO object has the following signature, which is essentially the same as the function for writing an RSA private key to a FILE object. The only difference is that the first argument is the BIO object to write to instead of a FILE object.
int PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey(BIO *bio, RSA *obj, EVP_CIPHER *enc,
                               unsigned char *kstr, int klen,
                               pem_password_cb callback, void *cbarg);
Table 7-6 lists the FILE object-based functions for the most useful PEM-encoding variants.[8] The BIOobject-based functions can be derived by adding _bio_ after read or write.
[8] The remainder can be found by looking for uses of the IMPLEMENT_PEM_rw macro in the OpenSSL crypto/pem source directory.
Table 7-6. FILE object-based functions for PEM encoding
Kind of object
Object type
FILE object-based encoding function
FILE object-based decoding function
RSA public key
RSA private key
Diffie-Hellman parameters
DSA parameters
DSA public key
DSA private key
X.509 certificate
X.509 CRL
PKCS #10 certificate signing request
PKCS #7 container
The last two rows enumerate calls that are intended for people implementing actual infrastructure for a PKI, and they will not generally be of interest to the average developer applying cryptography.[9]
[9] PKCS #7 can be used to store multiple certificates in one data object, however, which may be appealing to some, instead of DER-encoding multiple X.509 objects separately.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Understanding NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) messages

Understanding NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) messages 

This article explains the structure of a NDEF message with simple uniform resource identifier (URI) that describes web page address.


Most NFC tags are passive elements those store data for reader (for NFC enabled mobile phones) in NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format) format. When we touch our phones with any NFC forum enabled tags, actually we read the NDEF message by our application. Those happen via NFC application to protocol stack then low level driver and finally the radio frequency (RF) parts to retrieve data from tags.
In this article, we try to explain the structure of NDEF message with simple uniform resource identifier (URI) to describe web page address. We provide an example Qt mobility application that can be used to test it.

NDEF message and NDEF record 

The NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) specification defines a message encapsulation format to exchange information, e.g. between an NFC Forum Device and another NFC Forum Device or an NFC Forum Tag. NDEF is a lightweight, binary message format that can be used to encapsulate one or more application-defined payloads of arbitrary type and size into a single message.
An NDEF message is composed of one or more NDEF records. There can be multiple records in a NDEF message. Basically NDEF message is array of NDEF records. How many records we can encapsulate in a NDEF message that depends on our application and the tag type. For our analysis purposes we use only one NDEF records. This NDEF record stores Following figure shows the general view of NDEF message[1][2].
When we communicate with our NFC reader devices (mobile phones) to read or write data to NFC tag we read basically (for example http: //nokia . com) the following hexa code.
03 0e d1 01 0a 55 03 6e 6f 6b 69 61 2e 63 6f 6d fe
  • 03 - This is one byte that defines the type of record this is. An NDEF record is represented by the hex byte 03, with Qt mobility API we don’t provide this, those are added for us.
  • 0e - This is one byte that tells the reader how many bytes are in the payload.With Qt mobility API we don’t provide this, those are added for us by platform.
  • d1 - NDEF records are variable length records with a common format illustrated in the figure below.
d1 is binary code (11010001) 
In our case:
  • MB = 1 (message Begin is true means this is first record in the NDEF message)
  • ME = 1 (Message end, means it is last record in the NDEF message, if it is 0 that tells application that more records are ahead)
  • CF = 0 (means this is not chunked message, An NDEF message can contain zero or more chunked payloads. Each chunked payload is encoded as an initial record chunk followed by zero or more middle record chunks and finally by a terminating record chunk, in our case we simplify our record as not chunked)
  • SR = 1 (SR stands for short record, if set, that the payload length field is a single octet.This short record layout is intended for compact encapsulation of small payloads which will fit within PAYLOAD fields of size ranging between 0 to 255 octets.)
  • IL = 0(IL stands for identification length, if set, that the ID_LENGTH field is present in the header as a single octet. If the IL flag is zero, the ID_LENGTH field is omitted from the record header and the ID field is also omitted from the record)
  • TNF = 001(The TNF field value indicates the structure of the value of the TYPE field. The value 0x01 (NFC Forum well-known type) indicates that the TYPE field contains a value that follows the RTD type name format defined in the NFC Forum RTD specification)
  • 01 (Type Length) - The TYPE_LENGTH field is an unsigned 8-bit integer that specifies the length in octets of the TYPE field. The TYPE_LENGTH field is always zero for certain values of the TNF field.
  • 0A (Pay load Length) - The PAYLOAD_LENGTH field is an unsigned integer that specifies the length in octets of the PAYLOAD field (the application payload). The size of the PAYLOAD_LENGTH field is determined by the value of the SR flag
  • 55 (type The value of the TYPE field is an identifier describing the type of the payload, The URI record type (“U”) )
  • 03 - 0x03 URI identifier (“http://”)
  • Pay Load - The rest of the string in UTF-8 (
  • FE Terminator byte. This is final byte added by platform.

Qt Mobility TestApplication 

Modified example from Qt mobility example, address and corresponding NDEF messages are shown in the edit box