Friday, July 10, 2009

good J2me UI framework

Great User Interface Libraries for J2ME Developers
Written by Vimal
Wednesday, 23 July 2008 09:12

Rating 2.8/5 (10 votes)

J2ME is a primitive but powerful development platform for devloping applications for mobile devices. A serious issue with J2ME is the lack of built in libraries to accomplish several common tasks. There are several free and commercial libraries availbale that can be used to provide more functionality in our J2ME applications. In this article I shall list down several famous User Interface libraries for J2ME.


License: GPL

Category: User Interfaces

Apime is a framework to offer more funcionality to J2ME/MIDP. The core is the user interface, with basics components to make applications with swing structure.
Also it includes classes for file manage and customization (skins, internacionalization, keyboards for differents languages and mobiles, ...)


License: GPL

Category: User Interfaces

BaseMovil is a framework for fast development of J2ME applications: a powerful J2ME database engine, a scripting engine and an ui toolkit which is fully integrated with both and allows xml view definition. The framework handles device differences/bugs.


License: LGPL

Category: User Interfaces

Fire (Flexible Interface Rendering Engine)is a lightweight themable GUI engine for j2me MIDP2 applications. It is designed to be an eye-candy replacement to the traditional midp GUI components. It provides more than the forms and items functionality and its not kvm-implementation depended.


License: GPL

Category: User Interfaces

Another User Interfaces library for the J2ME platform providing many UI components like Buttons, Checkbox, Radio Box, Progreess Bars, Tabbed Panes etc.. It is designed as a replacement to the traditional J2ME Widgets.


License: Apache License 2.0

Category: User Interfaces, Utilities

J4ME is an open source library to help build J2ME applications. It solves many of J2ME's shortcomings including: Uese Interfaces, Logging, GPS and various other utility classes and methods.


License: LGPL

Category: User Interfaces , Utilities

jMobileCore library is powerful tool for creating J2ME applications. jMobileCore provides support for developing compact and rich Canvas-based GUI, fast data access, reliable communications and simplifies creation of multithreading midlet applications.


License: GPL, Commerical

Category: User Interfaces

kUI is a Canvas based replacement for the high level LCDUI classes. It can be styled to meet your own branding requirements,avoids problems with implicit close commands, does not require a preprocessing step and offers a consistent behaviour and user interface experience among different devices, simplifying your development and documentation process.


License: GPL

Category: User Interfaces

Kuix (Kalmeo User Interface eXtensions) is a development framework that allows to create easily high end J2ME applications. It provides most graphical elements (buttons, textfields, lists, menus, etc.) needed to create advanced user graphical interfaces and uses an XML/CSS approach to describe the screens and the user actions in the application.


License: GPL

Category: User Interfaces

LWUIT is a UI library that is bundled together with applications and helps content developers in creating compelling and consistent Java ME applications. LWUIT supports visual components and other UI goodies such as theming, transitions, animation and more.


License: GPL

Category: User Interfaces

An advanced widget toolkit for J2ME devices, supporting cross-platform components such as tables, trees, graphical buttons, theming etc.

MWT (Micro Window Toolkit)

License: GPL

Category: User Interfaces

Inspired by its UI big brothers as AWT, Swing and SWT, MWT comes into the scene providing an UI framework designed and optimized for small devices.

Nextel's Open Source J2ME Toolkits

License: GPL

Category: User Interfaces

Nextel's Open Source J2ME Toolkits contain libraries for user interface and RMS development on J2ME handsets.

The windowing toolkit, OWT (Open Windowing Toolkit), employs a container/component model, and provides interfaces to permit developers to create their own user interface components. The toolkit is designed specifically for MIDP handsets with a small amount of screen real estate. It is built on top of MIDP's Canvas class.

The RMS toolkit provides classes that simplify record management on MIDP devices.


License: GPL

Category: User Interfaces

Thinlet is a GUI toolkit, a single Java class, parses the hierarchy and properties of the GUI, handles user interaction, and calls business logic. Separates the graphic presentation (described in an XML file) and the application methods (written as Java code).

Thinlet runs with Java 1.1 to 1.4, Personal Java, and Personal (Basis) Profile. Its MIDP version was dropped, but you still can find the last MIDP version at Thinlet Download page.

Synclast UI API

License: GPL

Category: User Interfaces

The Synclast UI API is an extensible toolkit for creating colorful custom user interfaces on MIDP devices in an intuitive yet efficient manner, It provides several Widgets, Layouts, Backgrounds, Powerful Forms and Menus.

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