- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url {
NSLog(@"%@", url);
NSURL *url1 = [NSURL URLWithString:@"httpdd://www.mobileorchard.com"];
NSLog(@"scheme: %@", [url scheme]);
NSLog(@"host: %@", [url host]);
NSLog(@"port: %@", [url port]);
NSLog(@"path: %@", [url path]);
NSLog(@"path components: %@", [url pathComponents]);
NSLog(@"parameterString: %@", [url parameterString]);
NSLog(@"query: %@", [url query]);
return YES;
@interface NSString (ParseCategory)
- (NSMutableDictionary *)explodeToDictionaryInnerGlue:(NSString *)innerGlue outterGlue:(NSString *)outterGlue;
@implementation NSString (ParseCategory)
- (NSMutableDictionary *)explodeToDictionaryInnerGlue:(NSString *)innerGlue outterGlue:(NSString *)outterGlue {
// Explode based on outter glue
NSArray *firstExplode = [self componentsSeparatedByString:outterGlue];
NSArray *secondExplode;
// Explode based on inner glue
NSInteger count = [firstExplode count];
NSMutableDictionary *returnDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:count];
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < count; i++) {
secondExplode = [(NSString *)[firstExplode objectAtIndex:i] componentsSeparatedByString:innerGlue];
if ([secondExplode count] == 2) {
[returnDictionary setObject:[secondExplode objectAtIndex:1] forKey:[secondExplode objectAtIndex:0]];
return returnDictionary;
It's called like this:
NSMutableDictionary *parsedQuery = [[myNSURL query] explodeToDictionaryInnerGlue:@"=" outterGlue=@"&"]
For parsing the path portion of the NSURL (ie @"/partA/partB/partC"), just call this:
NSArray *parsedPath = [[nyNSURL path] componentsSeperatedByString:@"/"];
Be aware that parsedPath[0] will be an empty string because of the leading /!
EDIT - Here is a Category extension to NSURL for your usage pleasure. It strips the initial "/" so you don't have an empty 0 index.
@implementation NSURL (ParseCategory)
- (NSArray *)pathArray {
// Create a character set for the slash character
NSRange slashRange;
slashRange.location = (unsigned int)'/';
slashRange.length = 1;
NSCharacterSet *slashSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithRange:slashRange];
// Get path with leading (and trailing) slashes removed
NSString *path = [[self path] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:slashSet];
return [path componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:slashSet];
- (NSDictionary *)queryDictionary {
NSDictionary *returnDictionary = [[[[self query] explodeToDictionaryInnerGlue:@"=" outterGlue:@"&"] copy] autorelease];
return returnDictionary;
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